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Want to find out how you can get equipment for your business or next project?
Click the button below to book a call with one of our leasing specialists
Why Renworks?
RentWorks is the leading independent leasing Company in Kenya. Our proven ability to help businesses achieve their goals has earned us a reputation as a preferred asset finance partner. Rentworks offers a proven combination of asset intelligence, adept leadership and a rare understanding of both equipment and finance.
Free Up Your Money
Leasing costs a fraction of what you would spend on an outright cash purchase
Optimize Your Cashflow
Purchase the equipment you need today and spread out the payment across its useful life.
Save Money
You will avoid tying up your capital on equipment that will depreciate, become obsolete or need frequent replacement.
Answer 2 simple question then click on the button below to complete
What Our Customers Are Saying
What do our past clients think of our leasing services?
I was frustrated with my lack of professional with always having to look for finances to buy the equipment that i needed and taking on big loans with big interest rates. Then i found Rentworks that gave me all the equipment i needed and let me chose any brand i wanted less than it would have cost me to buy and then maintain that equipment. Thank You Rentworks!
They do not just offer top of the notch equipment but complete world class support as well. They are there for you every step of the way and that made us feel more comfortable to go with them.
Rentworks Leasing Explainer Video
The question on most people's mind is, "Would my company benefit from leasing?" Why not send us the name of our company and we'll show you how a customized leasing solution is just what you need.
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